lundi 27 décembre 2010

Christmas in Cameroon

So I am still here- things have been busy the last few weeks so in this post I will take some time to update on life here in Cameroon.

I am no longer the newest person in the area- my post mate finished her two years and now not only did I get a new post mate but 2 other volunteers opened 2 new posts in the area- all 3 are health volunteers but now the west Adamawa area is really growing- there are 6 of us- very exciting.
The new improved and enlarged West Adamawa group

School has been going well- we are into the 3 sequence (there are a total of 6). The younger classes are still somewhat challenging there being over 60 students in each one and of course12 year olds do enjoy chatting.We are obviously on break right now for the holidays- 2 weeks just like in the states. And actually I even missed the entire last week before break- not for vacation though- for IST.

Yes IST or in-service training. This is a weeklong training thatall volunteers do after being at post for 3 months- yep already been here in Banyo actuallyover 3 months so I had to go for IST and meet back up with the rest of my stage or group that I trained with in the summer. Our training was at Kribi- one of the better known beaches in Cameroon. And I must say although you would think a week at the beach sounds like fun it really wasn’t. I was gone for 11 days and of those 11, 6 were spent in vans and agencevehicles traveling. In fact it took just 3 days to get to the beach to begin with. And once I did make it to the beach, we all had training everyday until 5 so beach time was rather limited. But despite the traveling and long days, it was super nice to re-group with everyone and hear about everyone’s experiences so far. It was really a great time to share and be with other people who understand what life is like here.


So after IST, I had some errands to run in the capital on my way back home to Banyo. Picked up lots of packages with Christmas and birthday gifts- thanks family! And even made a visit to my host family in Bafia- caught upwith them and even got some pineapple which Bafia is known for their pineapple so that was a nice treat. Then I finally made it back to Banyo after a 16 hour trip from Bafoussam (I swear every time I make the trip, somehow it takes longer and longer). But even though I was back, things didn’t slow down- there was Christmas!

For Christmas, I had lots of cooking and of course decorating and presents. I got to spend some time with other Americans like some of the volunteers in the area and even some of their families who came to visit and even went out to the missionaries for Christmas dinner. Overall Christmas was very enjoyable here but I did miss my family and “It’s a Wonderful Life” if anyone would care to send that for Christmas next year,it would be much appreciated.

My house decorated for Christmas-snowflakes, stockings, Christmas tree. Also the one time of year when the chimney is actually quite perfect.

So now I have one week left or a little less before school starts back up. And of course New Year’s is still coming up. I think I have gotten a few invites to events for New Year’s so hopefully that will also be a fun holiday celebration. In the meantime, I will be trying to catch up on pretty much everything and hopefully not only catch up but get something other things done in preparation for the coming weeks- I’ve got 2 trips to make to the capital in the next 2 months, lots of fetes and birthdays, the GRE and of yes of course work here. Busy busy but I am still really enjoying everything. Time is still flying- already over half a year in Cameroon- crazy.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Holidays!