vendredi 18 juin 2010

First Week

Ok so I actually wrote this a week ago but just now had the opportunity to post:

so exactly 1 week now that I have been in Cameroon but I must say that is feels like it's been much longer and I don't mean that in a bad way but in the sense that so much has happened and changed in 1 week that it feels like a lot longer (so I will certainly not be able to include everything). But I also must first say it's even weirder to think that 2 weeks ago I was graduating college and now here I am in a little town called Bafia taking bucket baths every day.

We (and the 42 other trainees) arrived in Yaounde last friday evening (June 4). We were bused to our hotel and had a huge dinner. While in Yaounde for 5 days, we were mostly at the hotel or being shuttled to and fro to the Peace Corps Office. Some highlights below:

Saturday night we went to a show highlighting some African dance - very amazing- I think the first moment I actually felt like I was in Africa

Sunday night we had dinner at the PC Country Director's house and got to meet the ambassador to Cameroon

Monday night we finally got cellphones! So by the way - here's my number if you would like to call me in the next 2 years : 011 237 70 83 80 34

Tuesay we arrived in Bafia! - about 2 hours north of Yaounde. This is our training site where we will be until we finish training in August.

So upon arriving in Bafia, we all met our homestay families. What an experience. Everyone was of course nervous but also excited. But my first night went very well and my family is super nice.

But just real quickly turning to actual training - we have training 6 days a week. So I get up at 6:15am every day and off to training for about 8 hours. Very long but it's nice to stay busy.

So I know this is rather short but as you can imagine, internet is a little slow and hard to come by at least right now in the beginning. But overall everything is going great and every day gets better and better.

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