October 5 - what do you think of when you hear this date? Just another regular day? Well maybe in America, but here in Cameroon October 5 is a day dedicated to celebrating teachers! It is World Teachers Day (journee mondiale de l'enseignant - it is an international holiday so Cameroon isn't the only country celebrating). But what exactly goes on for this day?
Well the festivities first kicked off or atleast preparation for festivities began about 2 weeks prior when the teachers began purchasing pagne (fabric) for the day. (Yes I don't think I've mentioned this, but of course every holiday gets its very own fabric every year so of course you have to buy it) Anyway so my school began collecting money and fabric came in. Well then of course you have to get something (an outfit) made. Well all the female teachers at my school decided we should all wear not only obvious matching fabric but a matching style outfit. So we all got our fabric and met up at the tailor and after about an hour debate between a dress or a kabba (traditional outfit-) and in the end, the kabba somehow won out. But overall I was happy and didn't mind- it was niceto be included with the teachers and I mean of course I need my very own kabba so mind as well be teachers day pagne.
Teacher Day Pagne!
the kabba!
The next event for teachers day was actually the Saturday before (October 2) - an athletic walk. Teachers (from not only my school, butall theschools in Banyo) were to meet at 6:30am to walk to the market in Tiket. Well now I showed up at 6:30 and thought this would maybe be an hour walk tops. But oh how I was mistaken. Tiket is actually quite a walk outside Banyo. I almost thought we'd end up in Nigeria (not really though). But we walked and walked and walked some more and finally arrived at the market in Tiket - about 45-60 minute walk out. Then before turning around, we of course had to do some stretches and mini-aerobics exercises. Upon returning to Banyo around 9:30am, we were treated to juice, water and of course everyone wants a beer at 9:30am so there was that as well. Andalthough I was slightly tired and sweaty, overall the walk as nice - got to see Tiket and lots of countryside and some exercise.
Now- for the actual October 5. For starters, there was no school (duh) but alas we teachers still needed to wake up early for a parade which was to start at 8:00am. So I got up, put on my kabba and grabbed my camera. Walking to the meeting point, people shout "bonne fete" - very nice. Then well the parade was on African time- so it actually started a little after 9am - we all got into rows, the drums and horn started and off we went down the main strip of Banyo to the technical high school. Upon arrival, all teachers filed in to hear some speeches and a round table discussion all followed by cocktails.
Then later in the afternoon, there was a football (aka soccer) match between secondary and elementary school teachers. And then even later in the evening there were various parties at people's house with food and drinks and dancing. Which unfortunately I have did not attend - but let me explain - one downside to Teachers Day - there is school the next day. So if you go out and party, you still have to get up around 5am (or at least I do to be at school by 7:30) so I passed on the evening party in exchange for a good night sleep. But all around, teachers day was a nice break from school and a day dedicated to celebrating teachers. And I have another year to do it all again so maybe next year I will actually attend the party.
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