lundi 4 juin 2012

2 years done, 2 months left

Today officially marks 2 years of being in Cameroon. This time 2010, I was first arriving in Yaounde with my ‘stage’ (group), excited for everything that was to come, probably much like the newest group of volunteers or trainees who have just arrived this past Friday. Congrats to everyone else who has also reached this moment.

Today also marks my last bit of time left here. In exactly 2 months I’ll be arriving back in America. Friends have already been saying that the date is so close and ask if I’m excited, if I’ve started packing, if they can have dibs on things, etc. But when I look at my calendar, I think 2 months is still a long time and I have only barely begun packing (and really what I sorted through so far is just as a result of moving houses). I still have many things to do and look forward to here before I go back and I am planning to enjoy every moment left. 

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello Kaitlyn, Will you help me by being a cultural advisor for a Cameroon country brief I am preparing for USN men and women? My email is I'd like to ask a few basic questions about the local culture. I work at the Navy's Language and Culture Center in Pensacola, FL. Many Thanks, Mark Easterlin, GS12
